Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I've still got nothing to say. Been swamped working, teaching, and doing some home renovations. I've got a ton on thoughts rolling around up in the ol' noggin. Some day maybe I'll take some time to put them down.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bored with your life? Bid on this guy's - Internet - MSNBC.com

Wow, what a way to start over.

I'd be afraid that I wouldn't get very much for "everything I own and more". That would just be depressing....

Quoted from http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23690706/wid/11915829?GT1=43001:

Bored with your life? Bid on this guy's - Internet - MSNBC.com

Ian Usher, a British immigrant to Australia, said Tuesday he would auction everything he owns and more on e-Bay starting June 22.

Blog Entry dated 3/18/2008 9:12 PM

Test for Contribute access to blogger.

Why Blog?

The whole blogging concept...what is it?

What is it that drives people to post things (like this) on the internet. Is there a social disconnect in people who are chronic bloggers, or is blogging their social interaction? I often find myself wondering where people find the time to write daily, sometimes multiple times a day. I mean, heck, I'm just babbling on right now just in order to post a post. There are times that I'll hear something on the radio and I'll think "yeah, I can use that", but then I don't. I don't really have time. I'm working full time, I'm freelancing, I'm teaching part time, and I have to have family time.

So, what is it that makes someone blog?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

OK, so does anyone else find it ironic that the viral immunologist that is researching the immuno side effects of herpes is named "Skip Virgin"?

Seriously, see it here:

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

You know, I've put this off for a long time.

I'm the type of person who doesn't keep a journal, and most of the time no one else wants to know my thoughts (including myself). However, I've been seeing and hearing more and more about blogs, their potential, and their lack thereof. The popularity of blogs and the number of people who have them has proven that, a million monkeys pounding away on keyboards will not, in fact, create any substantial literature.

I don't have any aspirations to becoming some great journalist, or any delusions that anyone will actually read any of this.

I've simply decided to add to the noise.....